
 Business Partnership Campaign

Potential Business Partnerships

 Our local businesses are an important part of our community.  If your business would like to become a partner with the Holmen Area  Community Center, please contact our Executive Director, Robin Moses. She can be reached at (608)399-1870 or by email at:


Our local businesses are an important part of our community.  If your business would like to become a sponsor of The Holmen Area Community Center, please contact our Executive Director, Robin Moses. She can be reached at (608)399-1870 or by email director@holmencc.org

Sponsorships types include

Sponsorships types include

Annual Donation

The Holmen Area Community Center operation is funded by a variety of sources, such as membership fees, program fees and municipal support.  Donations are another important source of funds.

Annual Donation

The Holmen Area Community Center operation is funded by a variety of sources, such as membership fees, program fees and municipal support.  Donations are another important source of funds.

Long Term Support

The Board of the Holmen Area Community Center has established a Board Designated Fund to accumulate funds for its long term needs. The Designated Fund could be used to receive memorial gifts.  Individuals can include The Holmen Area Community Center in their estate plan and direct funds to be donated to the Board Designated Fund.  Please consult your financial advisor or attorney for these types of gifts.

Long Term Support

The Board of the Holmen Area Community Center has established a Board Designated Fund to accumulate funds for its long term needs. The Designated Fund could be used to receive memorial gifts.  Individuals can include the Community Center in their estate plan and direct funds to be donated to the Board Designated Fund.  Please consult your financial advisor or attorney for these types of gifts.

Thrivent clients can designate Choice Dollars to our organization. It is a great way to show your support for the programs we offer.

Thrivent clients can designate Choice Dollars to our organization. It is a great way to show your support for the programs we offer.

Hosting a Facebook Fundraiser is an easy way to support our organization. 100% of the funds raised are donated to the Community Center.

Hosting a Facebook Fundraiser is an easy way to support our organization. 100% of the funds raised are donated to the Community Center.

Thank you for believing in the future of Holmen!

Thank you for believing in the future of Holmen!